شرکت کارتن پلاست اولین و بزرگترین تولید کننده کارتن پلاست
تلفن : 91009466-021
Email: info@cartonplast.co.com
شرکت کارتن پلاست
تهران - خيابان وليعصر ، نرسيده به چهارراه پارك وي ، خيابان تورج ، مجتمع پارك وي
Plastic framing
The most important privileges of plastic framing in building industry are:
Polypropylene extruded sheets are perfect to be converted into reusable and lightweight products for the construction industry. Working several years with building professionals, we developed solutions to satisfy international requirements of this industry.
All construction projects, no matter whether commercial or not, require firm deadlines, and, managing multiple contractors, are subject to frequent traffic on-site.
That’s why our temporary floor protections can help you to avoid delays due to accidental damage of surfaces.
We developed an additional tool to speed up your construction work: permanent formworks. They are durable and robust polypropylene material, u-shaped formworks can be left on-site and they are delivered to you flat, to save shipping costs.
Our products can be certified flame retardant and are sustainable: polypropylene is a 100% recyclable plastic. Moreover, our products can be made using recycled polypropylene as well.